If your intrested in volunteering or
sponsorship please contact us.

our squad.
As a group we are passionate about the game and strive to create an environment that encourages personal growth and team spirit.
Club Secretary - Steven Wilson
Steven is the club's point of contact with the outside world and the various regulatory bodies, including the FA.
Club Chairman - Lee Watts
Lee's role is to chair the committee meetings, attend League AGMs and provide general guidance for the club and ensure adherence to the Seagulls FC code of conduct, whilst being the overseer of the club's handbook.
Fixture Secretaries - Laura Ling and Quan Truong
The fixture secretaries are responsible for managing all fixtures for all of our teams. They coordinates both home and away fixtures, referee requirements, and supplies results to both Sussex County FA and the Sussex Sunday Youth League.
Child Welfare Officer / FA Accreditation Co-ordinator - Lucy Grant
Lucy is the clubs Child Welfare Officer, in this role her focal point surrounds any issues arising such as bullying or discrimination. Lucy also ensures that the club maintains its FA Accredited status, including co-ordination of FA courses for all our volunteers.
Club Advisor and Assistant Child Welfare Officer - Matt Hicks
With over 30 years involvement at the club Matt offers valuable support and guidance to the committee. He also offers support to the Clubs Welfare Officer
Club Treasurer - Brian Hicks
Brian holds the purse strings and ensures that we are able to run on a sound financial footing. Though we are not-for-profit, there is still a large amount of expenditure to look after. Training equipment, match day kit, training and match venue costs and referee costs are just a few of the items that Brian has to keep a tight rein on.
Webmaster/Club Communications - Steven Wilson
Steve Manages the website content and central communications from the committee to parents and team managers.
The club wouldn’t be what it is today without the support of our sponsors. We are so grateful for their contributions and dedication to the club.
Kit Production Supplier
Main Sponsor / Design Partner